Monday, August 26, 2013

Mac Irritations

I recently I had to use a loaner Mac because mine was on the fritz and I realized how many customizations I had made on the machine.  Here is a list of some things that irritated me, just in case I need to move to a new system in the future:

beeping terminal
pageup and down in osx not working
capslock as escape key
install homebrew
install tmux
vim configuration spf13 with tweaks
setup kdiff3 as git difftool
quicksilver not setup
copy and paste not working in eclipse
z command not setup
JAVA_HOME not setup
to get mouse support in tmux not setup

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Editing markdown with vim

We've started using markdown at work for documentation.  To get it to work with vim, try using  It works very well, I had to hack the instant-markdown-d server to get it to show images, but it is very snappy and luanches and closes markdown files you edit in vim in your browser.  I also used pngpaste to add my images while editing.  You can create a vim shortcut to create an image link for you using that.  Now I can use the OSX shortcuts to capture images from the desktop and easily insert links to them through vim.